Find a Doctor
Find the care you need
We’ve partnered with many providers in your area. Find one who meets your needs using the search tool below. You can search by name, specialty or location.
Search for many different types of providers, like:
- Primary care providers (PCP)
- Behavioral health providers
- Specialists
- Hospitals
- Labs (to get blood tests)
- Pharmacies
Provider education and training
You can get more information about the providers in our health plan. Visit to search for providers and find out where they went to medical school.
Your benefits include a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. We work with CarelonRx to provide these pharmacy benefits.
Vision care
We work with EyeMed to manage your vision benefits. To find an eye care provider or get help with vision benefits, call EyeMed at 1-833-279-4364 (TTY 711). You can also visit the EyeMed website.
Need to speak with a nurse or care coordinator?
Call the 24/7 Nurse Line at 1-844-405-4295 (TTY 711).
Our team is available 24 hours a day and can:
- Give medical advice
- Find the right place to get care
- Help in any language